Friday, November 2, 2007

Antique circular knitting machine

My friend and I have just returned from SAFF and fiber overload. We had a great time!
We both took classes, she took a dyeing class and a cast on class, I took The Shepard's Rug class and a loom class. We both learned new things and made new friends. We saw lots of great fiber and yarns, she did all the shopping though, I only bought one thing.......I got an Auto knitter CSM, or circular sock machine. We saw the lady using it and I was hooked! The perfect thing for the knitter who doesn't knit!!!! It now lives here with me, willed to my friend of course since she talked me into it, (not really, but a little peer pressure helps). Now all I have to do is figure out how to use it. I have spent many hours reading blogs of folks that have them, (Soxophone player guy, you rock)! It came with a class and my friend and I are NC bound in the morning to learn how to make a heel and toe. I enjoy making tubes, which is all I can do at this point, but they are nice tubes. If anyone has one and sees this blog, please let me know, as I am the only one I know so far. I will post pictures soon.
Next stop- Maryland Sheep and Wool in May!!!!


Nikki said...

OK so the gun to the head was too much?!? :)

"All the cool kids are doing it"

and probably the one I really did use "but knit socks are sooooooooooo much nicer than store bought socks!"

knutty4knitting said...

I have a sock machine! I'm new, too, and it is a very steep learning curve! I found you on ravelry.

Laura said...

Yes, very rip out six socks in a row!!!

lwm4997 said...

DO you have information on who I might contact to purchase a sock machine? I've read your posts and I think I am hooked too!